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Specialized Addiction Treatment & Therapy


Most rehab facilities follow a continuum of addiction care to help clients with the mildest to the most severe addiction recovery. Our luxury drug and alcohol rehab in South Florida offers various levels of care, including medical detox, residential treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, and partial hospitalization treatment. Not only are each of these levels individualized to the patient’s needs, but they also include a variety of unique addiction therapy services to support clients in their physical, mental, and emotional recovery both in and out of our facility. Below is more on our addiction recovery services and how they can help you or a loved one.

Our Special Addiction Recovery Care Programs

In addition to our luxury detox program and inpatient services, our Palm Beach rehab offers additional addiction recovery services that are both unique and flexible. While some of these programs cater to specific groups – such as our LGBTQ rehab program – others are general programs that provide services to all patients both during and after completing treatment.

12 Step Program

Especially if you’re involved in the addiction recovery community in some way, you’ve likely heard of the 12-Step Program. Introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for alcohol addiction treatment, this model believes that participants need to complete its 12 steps to achieve sobriety. The purpose of the 12-step model is to help addicts recover and sustain sobriety by asking them to surrender to a higher power (of their choosing), make amends with others, and take other active steps in changing their lives to support their sobriety.

Now expanded to help people with all types of substance use disorders, our luxury drug and alcohol rehab in Palm Beach connects patients with 12-step meetings located all across the nation to ensure they always have access to support. In these meetings, participants will have the opportunity to meet others in the recovery community, learn new relapse-prevention skills, and obtain recovery sponsors.

Alumni Program

Our alumni program is a form of aftercare offered to patients who complete at least one program at our facility. We understand that the transition to a sober lifestyle can be challenging in the early stages of recovery, especially for individuals who don’t have strong support systems at home. To increase patients’ likelihood of staying on track after rehab, our facility provides patients with the option to join our alumni program.

Executive Addiction Treatment

Otherwise referred to as rehab for professionals, our executive addiction treatment is offered to employees of high-stress work fields, including:

  • Attorneys
  • Building Tradesmen
  • Custodial Workers
  • Executives
  • Farmers
  • Firefighters
  • First Responders
  • Maintenance Workers
  • Manufacturers
  • Mechanics
  • Mining
  • Nurses
  • Oil Fielders
  • Physicians
  • Transportation Engineers

Employee substance abuse can impact the individual as well as their workplace, forcing other employees to pick up the slack, slowing production, and losing the business money. Our executive rehab program offers employers the opportunity to get their employees help, keep a good worker, and prevent someone from losing their job.

Spiritual Programs

Faith in Recovery is a faith-based program that utilizes scripture, Bible studies, individual counseling, telehealth services, and other Christian resources to help clients in their emotional and mental recovery. We understand the crucial role that faith and spirituality play in a person’s life, especially when they’re going through something as challenging as quitting drugs or alcohol. Therefore, to cater to this particular area of the sobriety journey, we offer both Christian and non-denominational spiritual programs to help patients build hope and restore their faith and relationship with God.

Family Program

Our high-end rehab also offers addiction recovery services for the parents, spouses, and children of our clients. Our individual and group family therapy for addiction addresses the impact of substance abuse on the family, the roles members will adopt to cope, and the restoration of these damaged relationships. Not only will family members in this program have individual therapy sessions with our experts to discuss personal healing, but they’ll also join the recovering individual in therapy to make amends and rebuild the relationship.

Not only is family therapy crucial for individual healing, but it also ensures that patients will have a strong support system when they return home. This way, we know our clients will have loved ones around who will keep them accountable.

Intervention Programs

We know that getting someone to realize the severity of their addiction, let alone agree to treatment, can be a major challenge. For this reason, our facility also offers various addiction intervention programs led by one of our certified intervention specialists to support families in getting their loved ones to accept treatment. Our interventionists will help you create a schedule, figure out how to get the individual to the meeting, decide who to invite, and more. Our intervention specialists not only offer guidance in the planning process, but they also lead interventions to prevent distractions and offer addiction education to help everyone involved understand the severity of the issue at hand.

LGBTQ+ Addiction Treatment

Our facility offers various types of addiction treatment. In addition to substance-specific rehab programs, we also offer LGBTQ+ addiction treatment to support the members of this community and their individual needs. This community endures various unique challenges that can contribute to drug and alcohol use as a form of self-medication. To support LGBTQ+ community members and their recovery, our facility provides a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment where clients can discuss their struggles, receive detox and inpatient care, and heal.

Sex Addiction Treatment

Included in our addiction recovery services is also therapy for porn addiction and compulsive sexual behaviors. Similar to how drug and alcohol use is addictive, compulsive sexual behavior can disrupt a person’s life, making them desire these behaviors uncontrollably. Because sexual acts tend to produce a similar chemical reaction as drugs, these behaviors can become addictive as well.

The result? Increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, destroyed relationships, and more. Our sex addiction treatment program is designed to help individuals battling problems with compulsive sexual behavior learn how to properly cope with their urges and change their thinking and habits to sustain a healthier lifestyle.

Finding Addiction Therapy Near Me

We offer a multitude of addiction recovery services at Seaside Palm Beach. From medically assisted detox to behavioral therapy to aftercare programs, all of our programs are offered on a high-end basis, ensuring that our clients have access to the best amenities and the highest level of privacy possible.

For more information about our addiction treatment in Palm Beach, contact our luxury Seaside rehab today.

Therapies at Seaside

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