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Luxury Drug Rehab and Managing Chronic Pain

Sign reading chronic pain.

I have suffered from chronic pain for the majority of my life; never did I think I would be checking in to a luxury drug rehab due to my chronic pain, however. Due to some congenital disorders, pain has been a part of my daily routine for many years now. As I get older, it gets worse. So, as you may imagine, as I got older, my pain medication intake increased–exponentially. At any given moment, I was a walking cabinet of Vicodin, Valium, Percocet, Cymbalta, OxyContin, Xanax and many more – quite a poster child for pain medication addiction, actually.

So many medications failed me. So many worked and then my body built a tolerance to the point where they began failing too. My drug prescriptions made me feel like I was walking a tightrope with debilitating pain on one side and tolerable pain on the other side. I kept meeting with different psychiatrists. I knew there was a reason for my pain and that prescriptions were critical to my every day functionality but I had a nagging suspicion that I was consuming too much medication regardless of the fact that it was all prescribed. I desperately wanted to scale down my medication intake without scaling up my pain.

One day while catching up with one of my dear friends who suffers similar ailments, she told me that she has just been treated at Seaside Palm Beaches’ luxury drug rehab. I was surprised and curious to know more about that process. First she reminded me that both of us were very fortunate in life that we could afford to go to a luxury drug rehab and obtain the best treatment available. Then she got into explaining how they created an individual treatment plan for her with everything ranging from acupuncture treatments to regular sessions with a professional nutritionist. She had a tailored therapeutic exercise program catered to her needs and capabilities. She met one on one with professionals for her therapy sessions that were specifically trained in chronic pain management.

I must admit if it has not been for my friend’s personal testimony, I would not have considered checking myself into a luxury drug rehab or any drug rehab for that matter. The thought simply would not have occurred to me. On some level, I knew that I was unhealthily dependent on my medication due to the scores and scores of physicians I’d met with over the years but I’d never considered myself an “addict.” The therapists and psychiatrists at Seaside Palm Beach’s luxury drug rehab really understood my pain and helped me to gradually reduce my dependency on my pain medication. After completing their program I have learned now to manage any pain that I might have again in the future with out relying solely on the painkillers like I did before.


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