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First I Graduated Luxury Alcohol Detox, Then I (Finally) Graduated College

College kids at a party binge drinking.

My alcohol abuse taught me a lot; particularly how lucky I was to be born into my family. I have come to realize and appreciate that very few people have the ability to afford to go to a luxury alcohol detox program. But I didn’t always think this way. I never used to take life seriously at all. I think my lack of accountability and my irresponsibility directly contributed to the development of my drinking problem. I started drinking when I was 15, and never thought it would get to the level that it reached. By the time I was 19, I was obsessed with alcohol and partying.

Though I started drinking socially a couple years prior, my real alcohol abuse started pretty much as soon as I got my license. My family was very well known in my home town and there was never any shortage of people looking to buy me drinks–even if I was only 17. The bartenders complied, giving me shot after shot, until I’d go green in the face-and this was just the warm-up round. After barhopping, I would get in my car and head home or to a friend’s house to get more hammered. Eventually I wound up crashing two cars, causing about $50,000 in property damage and finally I was expelled from college. My parents gave me chance after chance to straighten out on my own, but it didn’t matter. By the time they realized what was going on, no amount of love or support could help me without the aide of professional treatment.

When I went away to college, I thought it would be the best time of my life, and for the first few months it was. I had a bank account full of money, name-recognition, and nobody to rein me in. Before I left, I’d gotten into some scrapes that had my parents questioning how good of an idea it was to let me go off on my own. I convinced them that my drinking was over, and that I’d be completely devoted to school. The funny thing was, I actually kind of believed that myself. I knew I’d be drinking a lot, but I still thought I could keep up a full course-load as well. My dreams of the Dean’s List went out the window after the first couple of parties. It wasn’t long before I was put on academic probation-something I didn’t bother to tell my parents.

The terms of my probation were that I maintain a C+ average or better. I couldn’t be bothered to do this when there was so much drinking to be done, so I got expelled and went back home to figure things out. My parents were furious and demanded that I get professional help. They showed me a luxury alcohol detox facility that they had researched for me but I wasn’t interested. I kept trying to back-peddle, claiming that I didn’t need professional help and that I just had a rough couple of classes. After two wrecked cars, squandered tuition money, and getting sick every night worrying if I was OK, they issued me an ultimatum.

I was scheduled to receive money from a trust fund when I graduated college. I could use this money to start my own business, buy a home, etc. But I would not see a dime of this money, nor would I be able to stay in their house until I agreed to go to the luxury drug detox programs they had chosen for me in Palm Beach Florida. I knew I had no choice in the matter so I reluctantly agreed to go. Looking back on the experience now, my parents did me the biggest favor they could have.

My luxury alcohol detox program took about a week and then I spent the next 21 days in their really nice luxury alcohol rehab center. I successfully weathered the worst of the symptoms with the help of my amazing doctors and nurses, I thought about how badly I’d screwed things up, and how ridiculous it was that even though I had all the breaks, I never could get my life in order before. I felt ashamed and embarrassed and channeled those emotions to help me get strong and resist the urge to drink after I got back home. I’ve been sober for four years now, and I (finally) completed college last month right before the holidays, which made the holidays extra special this year. I admit I don’t really know what I want to do yet, but I’d like it to be something worthwhile. But at least now I can figure things out and think with a clear head again about my future.


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